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4 Fascinating Ways That Geothermal Specialists Are Improving Agriculture

Geothermal technology, the heat energy harnessed from beneath the earth's surface, is not something the average person might associate with the agriculture industry. However, there are many new and innovative functions for geothermal energy in agriculture — and that means jobs for geothermal technicians. Here are four interesting new ways that geothermal specialists are using this renewable energy source to improve agriculture. 

Greenhouse Heat

Industrial agriculture production follows the seasons because it has been too costly in energy to attempt artificial heating on a large scale. However, that may change with new innovations in geothermal energy, particularly the use of geothermal energy to heat greenhouses. To accomplish this, geothermal specialists locate a source of thermal energy and install air systems called earth tubes under the ground at a depth of between 6 to 12 feet where the natural heat from the earth's core remains fairly consistent. When the soil temperature around the tube is warmer than the air above ground, it heats the air in the tube and it can then be piped into the greenhouse for heat.  

Crop Drying

Many of the world's crops such as wheat and corn need to be dried before they can be shipped to consumers. In many states in the U.S., climate conditions necessitate an artificial drying process and that often involves the burning of fossil fuels like liquid propane. Geothermal specialists are innovating ways that geothermal energy can accomplish the job with much less environmental waste and fewer harmful emissions by utilizing underground air tube systems similar to those used for greenhouse heat.    


Aquaculture is the process of breeding fish, shellfish, and other aquatic organisms for commercial consumption. However, many species require specific marine habitats at specific temperatures in order to thrive. Much like the drying of crops, the heating of water for aquaculture involves burning fossil fuels resulting in harmful emissions. Experts hope that geothermal heat can do the job less expensively with much less waste and less harm to the environment as a result.  

Milk Pasteurization

The pasteurization of milk— or the process of heat-treating milk products to destroy pathogenic microorganisms— is an FDA requirement for most commercially available milk products that are packaged and sold to the public. This heating process involves passing milk through stainless steel plates heated to around 161° F, usually heated by the burning of fossil fuels. However, geothermal specialists are figuring out ways to use clean geothermal energy to achieve the necessary heat rather than relying on fossil fuels.

For more information, contact Geothermal Technicians in your area.